Monday, September 29, 2008

Be the Cause... of more effective Help and Hope

It is time for us to be the cause...

To be the cause of more effective Help and Hope in the world.

We have the ability to be the cause of great changes in the world right now. With all of the innovation, creativity, ingenuity, and resources in the developed world - we are ready to make a great impact on the lives of those living in poverty.

We can be the cause of more effective help through the way that we upgrade humanitarian aid.

We can be the cause of more effective Hope in the world through the way that we tailor our message to bring opportunity, love, and grace to a world in need.

And you can do this.

You can do this.

You can be the cause... of more effective help and Hope in the world today.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Be the Cause... of a Shift of Thought.

Be the Cause. Be the Cause. Be the Cause.

Of a shift of thought.

A change of mindset.

A revolution of strategy.

You have the opportunity to help make the world a better place. One of the ways that you can do that is by changing your own thinking about the way that we help people - and then being the cause of a change of thinking in the people around you. Right now we are a step slow and a foot short in being able to help those living in extreme poverty. But we have the ability to improve. We have the ability to update. We have the ability to increase.

We just have to change our thinking.

We have been doing humanitarian aid the same way for way too many years. If any for-profit business in the world did not update their practices throughout the years, then they would go out of business. But the nonprofits and government agencies that operate humanitarian aid for those struggling around the world have lived too comfortably in their outdated, slow, and ineffective operations. We have to change the way that we do things. And in order to do that, we have to have a shift of thought.

We need to develop a mindset of innovation. There is so much innovation in America. Take a look at technology. Everything that we have is constantly updating and changing. From 8tracks to cassettes to walkmans to cd players to ipods to better ipods and better ipods and better ipods. It seems like nothing stays the same for more than a few days! But humanitarian aid has not had these same innovations. It is the same old stuff, and it is yielding the same old results.

And these results are not cutting it.

We have to change our mindset. We need to develop a mindset of innovation with the way that we do things. We need to find better, faster, and more effective ways to help people. We have to get better at these things. We have to because we can and because we need to so that more people can be helped.

So you can be a part of this. You can be the cause of a shift of thought for the way that we do humanitarian aid. It is time. It is needed. It is the future.

Be the cause... of a shift of thought.